Huaraches in Tehuacan

With no Huaracherias in the City of Puebla, to find Huaraches you need to travel south, towards what the indigenous groups call ‘el centro’ also known as the ‘Mixteca’ area of the state of Puebla.

Tehuacan is the second largest city in the state of Puebla and located on the eastern edge of the Mixteca. There are 2 Huaracherias in Tehuacan, both are in the city center and outside the Mercado Municipal.

Although the classic ‘Tres Correas’ Huarache is still popular.

Woven styles are plentiful.

And its clear that Huaracheros are trying to add some more sophisticated details to modernize their designs, like this tapered heel made from airplane inner tube.

And making their designs more unisex, thus suitable for more consumers.

To maintain competitive prices and speed up production it appears some Huaracheros are altering construction methods and no longer weaving the Huaraches from a continuous strip of leather.

And creating simpler Huarache designs to compete with the mainstream footwear market.

The thinner and lighter soles that can no longer be nailed and are stitched together.

Some unisex thong designs also called ‘Pata de Gallo’.

Last but not least the traditional ‘Pata de Gallo’ Huarache with the woven toe strip, typical of this region (notice how the strip under the toe area is not knotted like Tarahuamara ‘Pata de Gallo’ Huaraches).

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